Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sustainable living

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them."
Albert Einstein

There is evidence to conclude that we are living in unprecedented times. The imbalanced materialistic consciousness or mindset, that we have had, at least in the West, had resulted in some damage to the economy, pollution to our physical and emotional environment, and endangerment to our survival.

But rather than cast blame, I'm suddenly asking myself, "What destructive mindsets am I stuck in that are destroying my being?" As one saying states, "as the individual, so goes the society." If my individual mindset is insecurity, fear, and self protection I am most likely interacting with you on a "trying to get what I need and want from you" foundation. That makes you more of a commodity , an object to fulfill my needs and desires. Humans become consumable items kept until their usefulness is over and then discarded. And I will also assume you are thinking the same towards me because we project our consciousness level onto others. This is an extreme example but as one author wrote, "One's internal beliefs about being insufficient and insecure spawns all ills - greed, selfishness, addiction, etc."

Science is demonstrating that we are all energy and we are all connected. This means that what we do effects the whole system. Thoughts, beliefs, emotions are energy and effect our whole body for example. And the influence spreads out from there to our relationship and to all who are interacting with us.

In coming back full circle, if I have a healthy self responsibility mindset, I will choose to clean up the destructive, insufficiency, insecurity beliefs in me. This restores my balance in healthy self love and other love. It brings health to my body, to my relationships, and open me to fulfilling my life purpose, my work here. I believe more of this is what is needed to live through these times we are in. This is sustainable living.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Encouraging thoughts

In this blog I will be sharing the encouraging and inspirational thoughts that come to me through my meditations, emails, teachers, etc. It is my purpose to contribute to the solution and not add to the problems in our lives and in our world. More truth and light words are needed and that is what I will be seeking and sharing. Sign up as a follower if you would like to receive updates as I post them.
Blessings, June